Our Founder
As a Woman of Color diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at the early age of 23, Erica Clark Founded “No More Pain, LLC” to decrease the diagnosis stage by educating the risk & empowering survivors with opportunities to create a healthier lifestyle.
Erica’s passion going forward is to help women grasp the basics of their health by focusing on where they’re currently at, where they’re going and H.O.W to get there from a “Fresh Perspective”.
Erica is a certified Holistic Cancer Coach with Beat Cancer and Breast Health Educator through Mamma Care. When she isn’t advocating, she’s spending time with her family and friends.

Educate the risk about breast cancer, Empower survivors and caregivers with everyday living support, and Encourage everyone to do a breast self-exams regularly.
A breast cancer support service for young women with breast cancer by bringing awareness to teens and young women that offers everyday living help with beauty and life choices.